8.3.1 JESD204B Startup Sequence
The JESD204B interface requires a specific startup and alignment sequence. The general order of that sequence is listed in the following steps.
- Power up or reset the ADC12J4000device.
- Program JESD_EN = 0 to shut down the link and enable configuration changes.
- Program DECIMATE, SCRAM_EN, KM1 and DDR to the desired settings.
- Configure the device calibration settings as desired, and initiate a calibration (set CAL_SFT = 1).
- Program JESD_EN = 1 to enable the link.
- Apply at least one SYSREF rising edge to establish the LMFC phase.
- Assert SYNC~ from the data receiver to initiate link communications.
- After the JESD204B receiver has established code group synchronization, SYNC~ is de-asserted and the ILA process begins.
- Immediately following the end of the ILA sequence normal data output begins.
If deterministic latency is not required this step can be omitted.