ZHCSMK4A september 2022 – july 2023 ADS131B26-Q1
The GPIO2/FAULT pin can be configured as a FAULT indication output by setting GPIO2_DIR = 1b and GPIO2_SRC = 0b. The FAULT pin is active when any of the STATUS_MSB[14:7] fault flags set to 0b. The FAULT pin changes to inactive as soon as all STATUS_MSB[14:7] fault flags are cleared to 1b.
The actual output signal of the FAULT pin when active or inactive depends on the GPIO2 format (GPIO2_FMT bit) and FAULT pin polarity (FAULT_POL bit) configuration. See the respective bit descriptions and the General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs (GPIO0 to GPIO4) section for details. Table 9-20 shows an example where the FAULT pin is configured for a static low signal in an active state, and a static high signal in an inactive state. The pin can for example also be configured for a static low signal in an active state, and a PWM output signal with 50% duty cycle in an inactive state to act as some sort of heart beat to indicate there is no fault. The configuration options are endless.
GPIO2_DIR | 1b | GPIO2/FAULT pin configured as digital output |
GPIO2_SRC | 0b | FAULT selected as data source for GPIO2/FAULT pin |
GPIO2_FMT | 0b | GPIO2/FAULT pin configured for static output levels |
FAULT_POL | 0b | FAULT output is active low |
Additionally, the ADS131B26-Q1 allows masking of any of the eight STATUS_MSB[14:7] fault flags from triggering the FAULT pin. Use the mask bits in the FAULT_PIN_MASK register to mask individual fault flags. If a fault flag is masked and the respective fault flag is set to 0b in the STATUS_MSB register, then no fault is indicated on the FAULT pin.