SPI read out of content in one of the three digital banks can be accomplished with the following steps:
- Drive the SEN pin low.
- Select the digital bank page (Note: M bit = 1, P bit = 0)
- Write address 4003h with 00h
- Main digital page: write address = 4004h with 68h
- Digital JESD page: write address = 4004h with 69h
- Analog JESD page: write address = 4004h with 6Ah
- Interleaving engine page: write address = 4004h with 61h
- Decimation filter page: write address = 4004h with 61h and 4003h with 41h
- Set the R/W bit, M and P bit to 1 and select channels A, B or C, D and write the address to be read back.
- Read back register content on the SDOUT pin. When a page is selected, multiple read backs from the same page can be done.
Figure 7-24 shows the serial interface signals when the contents of a register in the desired page of the JESD bank are being read-back (note that the P bit must be set to 1 in this step).