ZHCSAM3B December 2012 – April 2022 ADS54T01
The serial interface (SIF) included in the ADS54T01 is a simple 3 or 4 pin interface. In normal mode, 3 pins are used to communicate with the device. There is an enable (SDENB), a clock (SCLK) and a bidirectional IO port (SDIO). If the user would like to use the 4-pin interface one write must be implemented in the 3-pin mode to enable 4-pin communications. In this mode, the SDO pin becomes the dedicated output. The serial interface has an 8-bit address word and a 16-bit data word. The first rising edge of SCLK after SDENB goes low will latch the read/write bit. If a high is registered, then a read is requested. If it is low, then a write is requested. SDENB must be brought high again before another transfer can be requested. The signal diagram is shown below: