ZHCSLR7B March 2021 – September 2024 ADS7067
The ADS7067 features a programmable averaging filter that can be used to average analog input samples to output a higher resolution measurement. The averaging filter can be enabled by programming the OSR[2:0] bits in the OSR_CFG register to the averaging factor desired. The averaging configuration is common to all analog input channels. As shown in Figure 6-3, the output of the averaging filter is 20 bits long. In manual mode and auto-sequence mode of conversion, only the first conversion for the selected analog input channel must be initiated by the host, as shown in Figure 6-3; any remaining conversions are generated internally. The time (tAVG) required to complete the averaging operation is determined by the sampling speed and number of samples to be averaged; see the Oscillator and Timing Control section for more details. After completion, the averaged 20-bit result, as shown in Figure 6-3, can be read-out. For information on the programmable averaging filters and performance results see the Resolution-Boosting ADS7066 Using Programmable Averaging Filter application report.
In autonomous mode of operation, samples from analog input channels that are enabled in the AUTO_SEQ_CH_SEL register are averaged sequentially.