ZHCSRW7 march 2023 AFE781H1 , AFE881H1
The HART modulator starts modulating the carrier as soon as the CTS response is asserted. If data are enqueued into FIFO_U2H before the CTS is asserted, make sure to enqueue the required preamble bytes at the beginning of the data packet in accordance with Table 7-9. The first byte is used by the HART recipient receiver to recognize the carrier and properly detect the mark-to-space transition of the start bit in the second character. Alternatively, wait for CTS_ASSERT, and give an appropriate delay while the modulator is transmitting the mark signal. Then enqueue the preamble bytes followed by the data bytes into FIFO_U2H. Monitor the level of FIFO_U2H and timely enqueue the new data to avoid transmission gap errors.
Transmit at least 6 bit times of HART signal of specified amplitude for the carrier to be detected by the receiver. | FIFO_U2H is empty. | HART modulator starts sending mark FSK signal as soon as CTS is asserted. | Wait at least 6 bit times from CTS assert before transmitting first preamble byte. Calculate the time to enqueue the data into FIFO_U2H based on the interface mode used. |
FIFO_U2H is preloaded with data. | HART modulator starts sending FIFO_U2H data as soon as CTS is asserted. | Preload FIFO_U2H with one additional preamble byte. |
Depending on the interface mode, there is a latency from the UARTIN or CS pin to the MOD_OUT pin as a result of using FIFO_U2H in the data path.
In the SPI plus UART and UBM modes, a delay of approximately 1.5 bit times (1.5 × tBAUDUART) occurs from the stop bit on the UARTIN pin until the data are enqueued into FIFO_U2H as a result of data decoding and synchronization. Figure 7-23 shows this timing.
In SPI only mode, the HART transmit data are enqueued into FIFO_U2H using FIFO_U2H_WR register. Therefore, in this mode, make sure to take the standard SPI timing into consideration while calculating the latency of the HART transmit data from the CS pin to the MOD_OUT pin. Figure 7-21 shows the HART transmit start timing for SPI mode.
The HART character contains 11 bits; therefore, a delay of approximately 11 bit times (11 × tBAUDHART) occurs from the moment the data are dequeued from FIFO_U2H until the data are fully transmitted on the MOD_OUT pin (see Figure 7-24). Keep the request to send (RTS) asserted until the data are fully transmitted on MOD_OUT.