ZHCSAB6E October 2012 – May 2018
This read-only function returns the contents of the gas-gauge status register, depicting the current operating status.
bit7 | bit6 | bit5 | bit4 | bit3 | bit2 | bit1 | bit0 | |
High Byte | OTC | OTD | BATHI | BATLOW | CHG_INH | RSVD | FC | CHG |
Low Byte | OCVTAKEN | ISD | TDD | HW1 | HW0 | SOC1 | SOCF | DSG |
OTC = | Over-Temperature in Charge condition is detected. True when set. Refer to the Data Flash Safety Subclass parameters for threshold settings. |
OTD = | Over-Temperature in Discharge condition is detected. True when set. Refer to the Data Flash Safety Subclass parameters for threshold settings. |
BATHI = | Battery High bit indicating a high battery voltage condition. Refer to the Data Flash BATTERY HIGH parameters for threshold settings. |
BATLOW = | Battery Low bit indicating a low battery voltage condition. Refer to the Data Flash BATTERY LOW parameters for threshold settings. |
CHG_INH = | Charge Inhibit indicates the temperature is outside the range [Charge Inhibit Temp Low, Charge Inhibit Temp High]. True when set. |
RSVD = | Reserved. |
FC = | Full-charged is detected. FC is set when charge termination is reached and FC Set% = –1 (see Charging and Charge Termination Indication) or State of Charge is larger than FC Set% and FC Set% is not –1. True when set. |
CHG = | (Fast) charging allowed. True when set. |
OCVTAKEN = | Cleared on entry to RELAX mode and set to 1 when OCV measurement is performed in RELAX. |
ISD = | Internal Short is detected. True when set. |
TDD = | Tab Disconnect is detected. True when set. |
HW[1:0] | Device Identification. Default is 1/0 |
SOC1 = | State-of-Charge-Threshold 1 (SOC1 Set) reached. True when set. |
SOCF = | State-of-Charge-Threshold Final (SOCF Set %) reached. True when set. |
DSG = | Discharging detected. True when set. |