ZHCSAB6E October 2012 – May 2018
The bq27545-G1 contains 64 bytes of user programmable data flash storage: Manufacturer Info Block A and Manufacturer Info Block B, . The method for accessing these memory locations is slightly different, depending on whether the device is in UNSEALED or SEALED modes.
When in UNSEALED mode and when 0x00 has been written to BlockDataControl(), accessing the Manufacturer Info Blocks is identical to accessing general data flash locations. First, a DataFlashClass() command is used to set the subclass, then a DataFlashBlock() command sets the offset for the first data flash address within the subclass. The BlockData() command codes contain the referenced data flash data. When writing the data flash, a checksum is expected to be received by BlockDataChecksum(). Only when the checksum is received and verified is the data actually written to data flash.
As an example, the data flash location for Manufacturer Info Block B is defined as having a subclass = 58 and an Offset = 32 through 63 (32 byte block). The specification of Class = System Data is not needed to address Manufacturer Info Block B, but is used instead for grouping purposes when viewing data flash info in the bq27545-G1 evaluation software.
When in SEALED mode or when 0x01 BlockDataControl() does not contain 0x00, data flash is no longer available in the manner used in UNSEALED mode. Rather than issuing subclass information, a designated Manufacturer Information Block is selected with the DataFlashBlock() command. Issuing a 0x01 or 0x02 with this command causes the corresponding information block (A or B respectively) to be transferred to the command space 0x40…0x5f for editing or reading by the system. Upon successful writing of checksum information to BlockDataChecksum(), the modified block is returned to data flash. Note: Manufacturer Info Block A is read-only when in SEALED mode.