ZHCSAB6E October 2012 – May 2018
For proper bq27545-G1 operation, the cell charging voltage must be specified by the user. The default value for this variable is in the data flash Charging Voltage.
The bq27545-G1 detects charge termination when (1) during 2 consecutive periods of Current Taper Window, the AverageCurrent() is < Taper Current, (2) during the same periods, the accumulated change in capacity > 0.25mAh/Current Taper Window, and (3) Voltage()> Charging Voltage – Taper Voltage. When this occurs, the [CHG] bit of Flags() is cleared. Also, if the [RMFCC] bit of Pack Configuration is set, RemainingCapacity() is set equal to FullChargeCapacity(). When TCA_Set is set to –1, it disables the use of the charger alarm threshold. In that case, Terminate Charge is set when the taper condition is detected. When FC_Set is set to –1, it disables the use of the full charge detection threshold. In that case, the [FC] bit is not set until the taper condition is met.