ZHCSJM7 April 2019 BQ79606A-Q1
The BQ79606A-Q1 is a voltage monitoring device for large battery stack systems. The device has the ability to measure single cell voltages as well as the voltage across any connector used to create larger battery stacks in a module. The BQ79606A-Q1 is designed with low voltage differential daisy chain communication, allowing for the connection of up to 64 (1 base and 63 stack) BQ79606A-Q1 devices. The combination of devices allows for easy combination of batteries to achieve the desired voltage of the system.
Throughout the document, '*' are used as wild cards (typically to indicate numbers such as CELL* means CELL1-CELL6. Additionally, bits are referred to in the following convention REGNAME[BITNAME].
Throughout the document, Bridge, Base, and Stack devices terminology are used. Bridge is used for devices connecting the uC with stack devices through UART and DO NOT monitor cell voltages. Base is used for devices connecting the uC with the stack devices through UART and monitors cell voltages at the same time. Stack devices monitors the cell but do not communication directly with uC through UART.