SNAS362G May 2006 – April 2016 DAC104S085 , DAC104S085-Q1
The DAC104S085 device is a full-featured, general-purpose QUAD 10-bit voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that can operate from a single 2.7-V to 5.5-V supply and consumes 1.1 mW at 3 V and
2.5 mW at 5 V. The DAC104S085 is packaged in 10-pin SON and VSSOP packages. The 10-pin SON package makes the DAC104S085 the smallest QUAD DAC in its class. The on-chip output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing and the three wire serial interface operates at clock rates up to 40 MHz over the entire supply voltage range. Competitive devices are limited to 25-MHz clock rates at supply voltages in the 2.7-V to 3.6-V range. The serial interface is compatible with standard SPI, QSPI, MICROWIRE, and DSP interfaces.
The reference for the DAC104S085 serves all four channels and can vary in voltage between 1 V and VA, providing the widest possible output dynamic range. The DAC104S085 has a 16-bit input shift register that controls the outputs to be updated, the mode of operation, the power-down condition, and the binary input data. All four outputs can be updated simultaneously or individually depending on the setting of the two mode of operation bits.
DAC104S085-xx | VSSOP (10) | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm |
WSON (10) | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm |
Changes from F Revision (March 2013) to G Revision
Changes from E Revision (March 2013) to F Revision
A power-on reset circuit ensures that the DAC output powers up to zero volts and remains there until there is a valid write to the device. A power-down feature reduces power consumption to less than a microWatt with three different termination options.
The low power consumption and small packages of the DAC104S085 make it an excellent choice for use in battery-operated equipment.
The DAC104S085 is one of a family of pin-compatible DACs, including the 8-bit DAC084S085 and the 12-bit DAC124S085. The DAC104S085 operates over the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | VA | Supply | Power supply input. Must be decoupled to GND. |
2 | VOUTA | Analog Output | Channel A Analog Output Voltage. |
3 | VOUTB | Analog Output | Channel B Analog Output Voltage. |
4 | VOUTC | Analog Output | Channel C Analog Output Voltage. |
5 | VOUTD | Analog Output | Channel D Analog Output Voltage. |
6 | GND | Ground | Ground reference for all on-chip circuitry. |
7 | VREFIN | Analog Input | Unbuffered reference voltage shared by all channels. Must be decoupled to GND. |
8 | DIN | Digital Input | Serial Data Input. Data is clocked into the 16-bit shift register on the falling edges of SCLK after the fall of SYNC. |
9 | SYNC | Digital Input | Frame synchronization input for the data input. When this pin goes low, it enables the input shift register and data is transferred on the falling edges of SCLK. The DAC is updated on the 16th clock cycle unless SYNC is brought high before the 16th clock, in which case the rising edge of SYNC acts as an interrupt and the write sequence is ignored by the DAC. |
10 | SCLK | Digital Input | Serial Clock Input. Data is clocked into the input shift register on the falling edges of this pin. |
11 | PAD (SON only) |
Ground | Exposed die attach pad can be connected to ground or left floating. Soldering the pad to the PCB offers optimal thermal performance and enhances package self-alignment during reflow. |