DAC Transfer Function
The input data writes to the individual DAC data registers in straight binary format. After a power-on or a reset event, all DAC registers are set to zero code (RSTSEL = 0) or midscale code (RSTSEL = 1). The DAC transfer function is shown by Equation 1.
Equation 1.
- N = resolution in bits = either 12 (DAC60502), 14 (DAC70502) or 16 (DAC80502).
- DAC_DATA = decimal equivalent of the binary code that is loaded to the DAC register (address 8h), DAC_DATA ranges from 0 to 2N – 1.
- VREFIO = DAC reference voltage. Either VREFIO from the internal 2.5-V reference or VREFIO from an external reference.
- DIV = 1 (default) or 2 as set by the REF-DIV bit in the GAIN register (address 4h).
- GAIN = 1 or 2 (default) as set by the BUFF-GAIN bit for that DAC channel in the GAIN register (address 4h).