ZHCSJ27 November 2018 DLP650LNIR
Load4 Mode is a special data loading function of the DLP650LNIR DMD which is supported by the DLPC410 Controller. This mode allows the DLPC410 (an hence, the end user) to load the DMD faster at the expense of vertical resolution. In Load4 Mode, the device loads each horizontal line of data presented by the DLPC410 to the DLP650LNIR into 4 consecutive rows of the DMD. For example, assuming the DLPC410 presents the first row of new data to row 0 of the DMD, If Load4 is enabled then the device loads this single row of new input data into each of the first 4 rows (0-3) of the DMD. The device loads the next row presented to the DMD into the next 4 rows of the DMD (4-7), and so on.
Take precautions when using Load4 mode with the DLP650LNIR DMD, as each reset block of this DMD is 50 rows which is not evenly divisible by 4. Therefore, loading the last two rows of an even number block concurrently loads the first two rows in the subsequent odd number block. Conversely, to load an odd block, the last two rows of the preceding even number block need to be loaded first. See the DLPC410 datasheet for more information on how Load4 mode operates.