ZHCSE88A October 2015 – February 2023 DLPA3005
OFF | This is the lowest-power mode of operation. All power functions are turned off, registers are reset to their default values, and the IC does not respond to SPI commands. RESET_Z pin is pulled low. The IC will enter OFF mode whenever the PROJ_ON pin is low. |
WAIT | The DMD regulators and LED power (VLED) are turned off, but the IC does respond to the SPI. The device enters WAIT mode whenever PROJ_ON is set high, DMD_EN(1) bit is set to 0 or a FAULT is resolved. |
STANDBY | The device also enters STANDBY mode when a fault condition is detected(2). (See also GUID-1E3CB5AD-2F0C-4523-A9B1-87774D67078A.html#GUID-1E3CB5AD-2F0C-4523-A9B1-87774D67078A). Once the fault condition is resolved, WAIT mode is entered. |
ACTIVE1 | The DMD supplies are enabled but LED power (VLED) is disabled. PROJ_ON pin must be high, DMD_EN bit must be set to 1, and ILLUM_EN(3) bit is set to 0. |
ACTIVE2 | DMD supplies and LED power are enabled. PROJ_ON pin must be high and DMD_EN and ILLUM_EN bits must both be set to 1. |
HIGH | WAIT STANDBY ACTIVE1 ACTIVE2 (The device state depends on DMD_EN and ILLUM_EN bits and whether there are any fault conditions.) |