ZHCSDE3H February 2015 – June 2024 DP83867CR , DP83867IR
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
The Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) is designed to reduce the number of pins required to interconnect the MAC and PHY (12 pins for RGMII relative to 24 pins for GMII). To accomplish this goal, the data paths and all associated control signals are reduced and are multiplexed. Both rising and trailing edges of the clock are used. For Gigabit operation the GTX_CLK and RX_CLK clocks are 125MHz, and for 10- and 100Mbps operation, the clock frequencies are 2.5MHz and 25MHz, respectively.
For more information about RGMII timing, see the RGMII Interface Timing Budgets application report (SNLA243).