ZHCSEC3F October 2015 – January 2025 DP83867CS , DP83867E , DP83867IS
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
The DP83867 can be set to respond to any of 16 possible PHY addresses through strap pins. The information is latched into the device at a device power up or hardware reset. Each DP83867 or port sharing an MDIO bus in a system must have a unique physical address. The DP83867 supports PHY address strapping values 0 (<0000>) through 15 (<1111>).
For further detail relating to the latch-in timing requirements of the PHY Address pins, as well as the other hardware configuration pins, refer to Section 7.5.5.
Based on the default strap configuration of PHY_ADD[3:0], the DP83867 PHY address initializes to 0x00 without any external strap configuration.
Refer to Figure 7-13 for an example of a PHY address connection to external components. In this example, the pins are configured as follows: RX_D2 = Strap Mode 3 and RX_D0 = Strap Mode 2. Therefore, the PHY address strapping results in address 1001 (09h).
When operating in SGMII mode, dummy straps must be added to provide a balanced load for the SGMII differential pairs. Therefore, for SGMII applications with the straps shown in Figure 7-13, the corresponding connections for RX_D1 and RX_D3 are shown in Figure 7-14.