SPRS975H August 2016 – February 2020 DRA780 , DRA781 , DRA782 , DRA783 , DRA785 , DRA786 , DRA787 , DRA788
This section describes the connection requirements of the unused and reserved balls.
The following balls are reserved: A2 / F6 / A21 / B1
These balls must be left unconnected.
All unused power supply balls must be supplied with the voltages specified in the Section 5.4, Recommended Operating Conditions, unless alternative tie-off options are included in Section 4.3, Signal Descriptions.
B21 / E22 / J5 / AA10 / AA5 / AA20 / W1 / T21 | These balls must be connected to GND through an external pull resistor if unused |
J2 / G5 / G4 / L3 / L4 / AB10 / J3 / AB5 / Y20 / W2 / T22 / L6 / L5 | These balls must be connected to the corresponding power supply through an external pull resistor if unused |
M19 / M20 / M21 / M22 / N22 / N21 / P19 / P18 / P20 | These balls must be connected together to GND through a single external 10k-ohm resistor if unused. |
All other unused signal balls with a Pad Configuration Register can be left unconnected with their internal pullup or pulldown resistor enabled.
All other unused signal balls without a Pad Configuration Register can be left unconnected.