SPRS975H August 2016 – February 2020 DRA780 , DRA781 , DRA782 , DRA783 , DRA785 , DRA786 , DRA787 , DRA788
The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial communications protocol which efficiently supports distributed real-time control with a high level of security. CAN has high immunity to electrical interference and the ability to self-diagnose and repair data errors. In a CAN network, many short messages are broadcast to the entire network, which provides for data consistency in every node of the system.
The MCAN module supports both classic CAN and CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-Rate) specifications. CAN FD feature allows high throughput and increased payload per data frame. The classic CAN and CAN FD devices can coexist on the same network without any conflict.
For more information, see MCAN section in the device TRM.