ZHCSDA8E January   2015  – May 2018 DRV10975


  1. 特性
  2. 应用
  3. 说明
    1.     应用原理图
  4. 修订历史记录
  5. 说明 (续)
  6. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Functions
  7. Specifications
    1. 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 7.4 Thermal Information
    5. 7.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 7.6 Typical Characteristics
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Overview
    2. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 8.3 Feature Description
      1. 8.3.1 Regulators
        1. Step-Down Regulator
        2. 3.3-V and 1.8-V LDO
      2. 8.3.2 Protection Circuits
        1. Thermal Shutdown
        2. Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
        3. Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
        4. Lock
      3. 8.3.3 Motor Speed Control
      4. 8.3.4 Sleep or Standby Condition
      5. 8.3.5 Non-Volatile Memory
    4. 8.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 8.4.1  Motor Parameters
        1. Motor Phase Resistance
        2. BEMF Constant
      2. 8.4.2  Starting the Motor Under Different Initial Conditions
        1. Case 1 – Motor Is Stationary
        2. Case 2 – Motor Is Spinning in the Forward Direction
        3. Case 3 – Motor Is Spinning in the Reverse Direction
      3. 8.4.3  Motor Start Sequence
        1. ISD
        2. Motor Resynchronization
        3. Reverse Drive
        4. Motor Brake
        5. Motor Initialization
          1. Align
          2. Initial Position Detect (IPD)
            1. IPD Operation
            2. IPD Release Mode
            3. IPD Advance Angle
          3. Motor Start
        6. Start-Up Timing
      4. 8.4.4  Start-Up Current Setting
        1. Start-Up Current Ramp-Up
      5. 8.4.5  Closed Loop
        1. Half Cycle Control and Full Cycle Control
        2. Analog Mode Speed Control
        3. Digital PWM Input Mode Speed Control
        4. I2C Mode Speed Control
        5. Closed Loop Accelerate
        6. Control Coefficient
        7. Commutation Control Advance Angle
      6. 8.4.6  Current Limit
        1. Acceleration Current Limit
      7. 8.4.7  Lock Detect and Fault Handling
        1. Lock0: Lock Detection Current Limit Triggered
        2. Lock1: Abnormal Speed
        3. Lock2: Abnormal Kt
        4. Lock3 (Fault3): No Motor Fault
        5. Lock4: Open Loop Motor Stuck Lock
        6. Lock5: Closed Loop Motor Stuck Lock
      8. 8.4.8  AVS Function
        1. Mechanical AVS Function
      9. 8.4.9  PWM Output
      10. 8.4.10 FG Customized Configuration
        1. FG Output Frequency
        2. FG Open-Loop and Lock Behavior
      11. 8.4.11 Diagnostics and Visibility
        1. Motor Status Readback
        2. Motor Speed Readback
          1. Two-Byte Register Readback
        3. Motor Electrical Period Readback
        4. BEMF Constant Readback
        5. Motor Estimated Position by IPD
        6. Supply Voltage Readback
        7. Speed Command Readback
        8. Speed Command Buffer Readback
        9. Fault Diagnostics
    5. 8.5 Register Maps
      1. 8.5.1 I2C Serial Interface
      2. 8.5.2 Register Map
      3. 8.5.3 Register Definition
        1. Table 9. Register Description
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 9.1 Application Information
    2. 9.2 Typical Application
      1. 9.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
      3. 9.2.3 Application Curves
  10. 10Power Supply Recommendations
  11. 11Layout
    1. 11.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 11.2 Layout Example
  12. 12器件和文档支持
    1. 12.1 器件支持
      1. 12.1.1 第三方米6体育平台手机版_好二三四免责声明
    2. 12.2 文档支持
      1. 12.2.1 相关文档
    3. 12.3 商标
    4. 12.4 静电放电警告
    5. 12.5 接收文档更新通知
    6. 12.6 社区资源
    7. 12.7 术语表
  13. 13机械、封装和可订购信息


机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)
散热焊盘机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)

Motor Start Sequence

Figure 11 shows the motor start sequence implemented in the DRV10975.

DRV10975 DRV10975Z motor_startup_flow_LVSCP2.gifFigure 11. Motor Starting-Up Flow
    Power-On StateThis is the initial power-on state of the motor start sequencer (MSS). The MSS starts in this state on initial power-up or whenever the DRV10975 comes out of either standby or sleep modes.
    ISDen JudgmentAfter power on, the DRV10975 MSS enters the ISDen Judgment where it checks to see if the Initial Speed Detect (ISD) function is enabled (ISDen = 1). If ISD is disabled, the MSS proceeds directly to the BrkEn Judgment. If ISD is enabled, the motor start sequence advances to the ISD state.
    ISD StateThe MSS determines the initial condition of the motor (see ISD).
    Speed<ISDThr JudgmentIf the motor speed is lower than the threshold defined by ISDThr[1:0], then the motor is considered to be stationary and the MSS proceeds to the BrkEn judgment. If the speed is greater than the threshold defined by ISDThr[1:0], the start sequence proceeds to the Forward judgment.
    Forward Judgment The MSS determines whether the motor is spinning in the forward or the reverse direction. If the motor is spinning in the forward direction, the DRV10975 executes the resynchronization (see Motor Resynchronization) process by transitioning directly into the ClosedLoop state. If the motor is spinning in the reverse direction, the MSS proceeds to the Speed>RvsDrThr.
    Speed>RvsDrThr JudgmentThe motor start sequencer checks to see if the reverse speed is greater than the threshold defined by RvsDrThr[2:0]. If it is, then the MSS returns to the ISD state to allow the motor to decelerate. This prevents the DRV10975 from attempting to reverse drive or brake a motor that is spinning too quickly. If the reverse speed of the motor is less than the threshold defined by RvsDrThr[2:0], then the MSS advances to the RvsDrEn judgment.
    RvsDrEn JudgmentThe MSS checks to see if the reverse drive function is enabled (RvsDrEn = 1). If it is, the MSS transitions into the RvsDr state. If the reverse drive function is not enabled, the MSS advances to the BrkEn judgment.
    RvsDr StateThe DRV10975 drives the motor in the forward direction to force it to rapidly decelerate (see Reverse Drive). When it reaches zero velocity, the MSS transitions to the Accelerate state.
    BrkEn JudgmentThe MSS checks to determine whether the brake function is enabled (BrkDoneThr[2:0] ≠ 000). If the brake function is enabled, the MSS advances to the Brake state.
    Brake StateThe device performs the brake function (see Motor Brake).
    Time>BrkDoneThr JudgmentThe MSS applies brake for time configured by BRKDoneThr[2:0]. After brake state, the MSS advances to the IPDEn judgment.
    IPDEn JudgmentThe MSS checks to see if IPD has been enabled (IPDCurrThr[3:0] ≠ 0000). If the IPD is enabled, the MSS transitions to the IPD state. Otherwise, it transitions to the align state.
    Align StateThe DRV10975 performs align function (see Align). After the align completes, the MSS transitions to the Accelerate state.
    IPD StateThe DRV10975 performs the IPD function. The IPD function is described in Initial Position Detect (IPD). After the IPD completes, the MSS transitions to the Accelerate state.
    Accelerate StateThe DRV10975 accelerates the motor according to the setting StAccel and StAccel2. After applying the accelerate settings, the MSS advances to the Speed > Op2ClsThr judgment.
    Speed>Op2ClsThr JudgmentThe motor accelerates until the drive rate exceeds the threshold configured by the Op2ClsThr[4:0] settings. When this threshold is reached, the DRV10975 enters into the ClosedLoop state.
    ClosedLoop StateIn this state, the DRV10975 drives the motor based on feedback from the commutation control algorithm.
    DIR Pin Change JudgmentIf DIR pin get changed during any of above states, DRV10975 stops driving the motor and restarts from the beginning.