ZHCSDG6C March 2015 – January 2023 DRV2700
The DRV2700 device creates a boosted supply rail with an integrated DC-DC converter that can go up to 105 V. The switch-mode power supplies have a few different sources of losses. When boosting to very high voltages, the efficiency begins to degrade because of these losses. The DRV2700 device has a hysteretic boost design to minimize switching losses and therefore increase efficiency. A hysteretic controller is a self-oscillation circuit that regulates the output voltage by keeping the output voltage within a hysteresis window set by a reference voltage regulator and, in this case, the current-limit comparator. Hysteretic converters typically have a larger ripple as a trade off because of the minimized switching. This ripple may vary depending on the output capacitor and load. The power FET and power diode of the boost converter are both integrated within the device to provide the required switching while minimizing external components. Additionally, the boost voltage output (BST) can be easily fed into the high-voltage amplifier through the adjacent pin (PVDD) to help minimize routing inductance and resistance on the board.