ZHCSQT3K October 2009 – January 2022 DRV8824
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
The first step in configuring the DRV8824 requires the desired motor speed and microstepping level. If the target application requires a constant speed, then a square wave with frequency ƒstep must be applied to the STEP pin.
If the target motor startup speed is too high, the motor will not spin. Make sure that the motor can support the target speed or implement an acceleration profile to bring the motor up to speed.
For a desired motor speed (v), microstepping level (nm), and motor full step angle (θstep),
θstep can be found in the stepper motor data sheet or written on the motor itself.
For the DRV8824, the microstepping level is set by the MODE pins and can be any of the settings in Table 7-1. Higher microstepping will mean a smoother motor motion and less audible noise, but will increase switching losses and require a higher ƒstep to achieve the same motor speed.