ZHCSLF9A June 2020 – June 2021 INA237-Q1
The device integrates a low-pass digital filter that performs both decimation and filtering on the ADC output data, which helps with noise reduction. The digital filter is automatically adjusted for the different output data rates and always settles within one conversion cycle. The user has the flexibility to choose different output conversion time periods TCT from 50 µs to 4.12 ms. With this configuration the first amplitude notch appears at the Nyquist frequency of the output signal which is determined by the selected conversion time period and defined as fNOTCH= 1 / (2 x TCT). This means that the filter cut-off frequency will scale proportionally with the data output rate as described. Figure 7-3 shows the filter response when the 1.052 ms conversion time period is selected.
Conversion time = 1.052 ms, single conversion only |