ZHCSOW3 September 2020 INA848
Figure 9-7 shows the noise model of the reference buffer circuit given by Figure 9-5 using the OPA197 amplifier.
To compute the total noise for the reference buffer circuit, consider the thermal noise of the divider (that is a parallel network from noise perspective), the amplifier voltage noise (that is, enOPA = 5.5 nV/√Hz), and the voltage noise developed from the current noise of the amplifier (that is, inOPA = 1.5 fA/√Hz) through the divider.
Thus the total reference noise can be derived from following equation:
The reference noise is divided by the first gain stage of 200 at the INA848 to compute the input-referred noise. For reference noise less than 80 nV/√Hz, this contribution can be neglected in the analysis. The given example results in a total reference noise of 29 nV/√Hz, and thus is neglected.