ZHCSSZ5F march 2008 – august 2023 ISO1176
From this model, the voltage at the isolated bus return is
and is always less than 16 V from VN. If the ISO1176 is tested as a stand-alone device,
Notice from Figure 9-2 that the resistor ratio determines the voltage ratio at low frequencies, and that the inverse capacitance ratio determines the voltage ration at high frequencies. In the stand-alone case and for low frequencies,
or essentially all of the noise appears across the barrier.
At high frequencies,
and 94% of VN appears across the barrier. As long as RISO is greater than RIN and CISO is less than CIN, most of the transient noise appears across the isolation barrier, as it should.
Using ESD generators to test equipment transient susceptibility, or considering product claims of ESD ratings greater than the barrier transient ratings of an isolated interface is not recommended. ESD is best managed through recessing or covering connector pins in a conductive connector shell, and by proper installer training.