ZHCSET4B December 2015 – April 2024 LDC0851
When the LDC0851 EN pin is pulled high, the LDC0851 is put into active mode. The active supply current (IDD) is broken up into three pieces: Static current (Istatic), Dynamic current (Idyn), and Sensor current (Isensor).
Static current is the DC device current given in the electrical characteristics and does not vary over frequency.
Dynamic current is the AC device current which varies with both sensor frequency (ƒSENSOR) and board parasitic capacitance (CBOARD). Dynamic current can be computed with the following equation:
Sensor current is the AC current required to drive an external LC sensor. Sensor current varies with both the frequency and inductance of the sensor and is given by the following equation:
The total active supply current is given by the following equation: