SNVSCV4 September 2024 LM3645
In Flash Mode, the LED current sources (LED1/2/3/4) provide 256 target current levels from 7.325 mA to 2 A. Once the Flash sequence is activated the current source (LED) ramps up to the programmed Flash current by stepping through all current steps until the programmed current is reached. The headroom in the four current sources can be regulated to provide 7.325 mA to 2 A on each of the four output legs.
When the device is enabled in Flash Mode through the DMODE Register (reg 0x02) and Dx_EN bits in Control Register 2 (bits [3:0] in reg 0x01), all Dx_EN bits cleared after a flash time-out event. If a flash event is initiated by a strobe pin, the Dx_EN bits do not clear at the end of the pulse unless a fault or timeout occurs allowing multiple flash pulses to occur without further I2C interaction.