SDI_OUT1+, SDI_OUT2+ AC-coupling capacitors |
4.7-μF capacitors recommended |
SDI_OUT1–, SDI_OUT2– AC-coupling capacitors |
4.7-μF capacitors recommended, AC terminated with 75 Ω to VSS. |
IN0± and OUT0± AC-coupling capacitors |
4.7-μF capacitors recommended |
Input and Output Terminations |
Input and output terminations provided internally. Do not add external terminations. |
DC power supply decoupling capacitors |
10-μF and 1-μF bulk capacitors; place close to each device.
0.1-μF capacitor; place close to each supply pin. |
VDD_LDO decoupling capacitors |
1-μF and 0.1-μF capacitors; place as close as possible to the device VDD_LDO pin. |
SPI: Leave MODE_SEL unconnected (Level F)
SMBus: Connect 1 kΩ to VSS (Level L) |
Input Reclocked Data Rate |
11.88 Gbps, 5.94 Gbps, 2.97 Gbps, 1.485 Gbps, or Divide-by-1.001 sub-rates and 270 Mbps.
For all other input data rates, the reclocker is automatically bypassed. |