The registers are to be programmed in numeric order with R0 being the first and R31 being the last register programmed as shown below:
- Program R0 with RESET bit = 1. This ensures that the device is configured with default settings. When RESET = 1, all other R0 bits are ignored.
- If R0 is programmed again during the initial configuration of the device, the RESET bit must be cleared.
- R0 through R5: CLKouts.
- It is required to program R3 after power up.
- Program as necessary to configure the clock outputs, CLKout0 to CLKout11 as desired. These registers configure clock output controls such as powerdown, divider value, and clock source select.
- R6 through R8: CLKouts.
- Program as necessary to configure the clock outputs, CLKout0 to CLKout11 as desired. These registers configure the output format for each clock output.
- R9: Undisclosed bits.
- Program this register as shown in the register map for proper operation.
- R10: OSCouts.
- R11: SYNC, and XTAL.
- R12: LD pin and SYNC.
- R13: Readback pin & GPout0.
- R14: GPout1.
- R16: Undisclosed bits.
- Program this register as shown in the register map for proper operation.
- R24: Partially integrated PLL filter values.
- R26, R28, R29, and R30: PLL.
- R31: uWire readback and uWire lock.