4 修订历史记录
Changes from A Revision (April 2017) to B Revision
- 在 12 引脚 WSON 中添加了“可湿”一词Go
- 删除了“汽车电池稳压、工业电源、电信和数据通信系统”并修改了“应用”中的措辞Go
- Deleted 针对市场发布从 WSON 内容中删除了“预览”;对格式进行了编辑性更新Go
- Updating the the drawing title for Pin Configurations and Functions for WSON with RT and WSON with PGOOD Go
- Corrected the column title for WSON with RT and WSON with PGOOD Go
- Updating the ESD Ratings to include both SOIC and WSON packagesGo
- Changing from EN Pin to EN/SYNC Pin Go
- Added WSON only on the Electrical Characteristic table for PGOODGo
- Changing the minimum value for VPG_OV from 105% to 104% Go
- Adding a row for WSON Peak and Valley inductor current limitGo
- Changed the min and max for minimum adjustable frequency from 180kHz and 220kHz to 150kHz and 250kHzGo
- Changed the min,typ, and max values for maximum adjustable frequency from 1980kHz,2200kHz, and 2420kHz to 1750kHz,2150kHz and 2425kHzGo
Changes from * Revision (December 2016) to A Revision
- Changed the ESD HBM rating to ±2000 from ±2500Go