ZHCSR22A June 2021 – September 2022 LP876242-Q1
Description: Set a trigger destination address for a given input signal or condition. These commands must be defined at the beginning of PFSM configuration memory.
Assembly command: TRIG_SET [DEST=]<Destination> [ID=]<Trig_ID> [SEL=]<Trig_sel> [TYPE=]<Trig_type> [IMM=]<IMM> [EXT=]<Memory space>
'DEST=', 'ID=', 'SEL='. 'TYPE=', 'IMM=', and 'EXT=' are options. When included, the parameters can be in any order.
Destination is the label where this trigger starts executing.
Trig_ID is the ID of the hardware trigger module to be configured (value range 0-27). They must be defined in numeric order based on the priority of the trigger.
Trig_Sel is the 'Trigger Name' from the Table 7-11. This 'Trigger Name' is the trigger signal to be associated with the specified TRIG_ID.
Trig_type = LOW, HIGH, RISE, or FALL.
IMM can be either '0' or '1'. = '0' if the trigger is not activated until the END command of a given task; '1' if the trigger is activated immediately and can abort a sequence.
REENTRANT can be either '0' or '1'. '1' permits a trigger to return to the current state, that allows a self-branching trigger to execute the current sequence again.
Memory space can be either '0' or '1'. '0' indicates the destination address is in the PFSM memory space. '1' indicates the destination address is external and represents a FSM state ID.