ZHCSR22A June 2021 – September 2022 LP876242-Q1
The communication between the devices on the network utilizes Extended Register Write command to GTID address 1111 with byte length of 2. Sequence format complies with MIPI SPMI 2.0 specification. First data frame carries the data payload of 5 bits and 3 filler bits.
Communication over the SPMI interface may contain information regarding the power state transition or the unique TID of one or more target devices. In the case of power state information, the data payload contains 5 bits of Trigger ID information and 3 trigger state bits. In the case of TID information, all 8 bits contain the TID of the target device.
Second data frame carries 8 bits of CRC information. CRC polynomial used is X8 + X2 + X + 1. CRC is calculated over the SPMI command frame, the address frame, and the first data frame (which contains the payload and excludes the parity bits in these three frames).
Figure 7-44 shows the data format of the SPMI Extended Register Write Command.