6.14 Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP)
The McASP serial port is specifically designed for multichannel audio applications. Its key features are:
- Flexible clock and frame sync generation logic and on-chip dividers
- Up to sixteen transmit or receive data pins and serializers
- Large number of serial data format options, including:
- TDM Frames with 2 to 32 time slots per frame (periodic) or 1 slot per frame (burst)
- Time slots of 8,12,16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 bits
- First bit delay 0, 1, or 2 clocks
- MSB or LSB first bit order
- Left- or right-aligned data words within time slots
- DIT Mode with 384-bit Channel Status and 384-bit User Data registers
- Extensive error checking and mute generation logic
- All unused pins GPIO-capable
- Transmit & Receive FIFO Buffers allow the McASP to operate at a higher sample rate by making it more tolerant to DMA latency.
- Dynamic Adjustment of Clock Dividers
- Clock Divider Value may be changed without resetting the McASP