ZHCSMS7B April 2021 – December 2021 OPA3S2859-EP
The OPA3S2859-EP meets the growing demand for wideband, low-noise photodiode amplifiers. The closed-loop bandwidth of a transimpedance amplifier is a function of the following:
Figure 9-1 shows the OPA3S2859-EP configured as programmable gain TIA using different feedback paths through the switch network. The feedback resistance (RF) and the input capacitance (CIN) form a zero in the noise gain that results in instability if left unchecked. To counteract the effect of the zero, a pole is inserted into the noise gain transfer function by adding the feedback capacitor (CF). The Transimpedance Considerations for High-Speed Amplifiers Application Report discusses theories and equations that show how to compensate a transimpedance amplifier for a particular transimpedance gain and input capacitance. The bandwidth and compensation equations from the application report are available in an Excel® calculator. What You Need To Know About Transimpedance Amplifiers – Part 1 provides a link to the calculator.
The equations and calculators in the referenced application report and blog posts are used to model the bandwidth (f–3dB) and noise performance of the OPA3S2859-EP configured as a TIA. For this setup, to emulate an ideal current source, choose RIN value to be 1 to 10x greater than RF such that the low frequency noise gain closer to 1 V/V to 2 V/V (RF = 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ, RIN = 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ, 100 kΩ; respectively). The resultant performance is shown in Figure 9-2. To maximize bandwidth, make sure to reduce any stray parasitic capacitance from the PCB. Increasing RF results in lower bandwidth. To maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in an optical front-end system, maximize the gain in the TIA stage.