ZHCSTX5C August 2000 – January 2025 OPA627 , OPA637
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
Figure 6-9 shows the circuit configuration for testing the EMIRR IN+. An RF source is connected to the op amp noninverting input terminal using a transmission line. The op amp is configured in a unity gain buffer topology with the output connected to a low-pass filter (LPF) and a digital multimeter (DMM). A large impedance mismatch at the op amp input causes a voltage reflection; however, this effect is characterized and accounted for when determining the EMIRR IN+. The resulting DC offset voltage is sampled and measured by the multimeter. The LPF isolates the multimeter from residual RF signals that can interfere with multimeter accuracy. See also the EMI Rejection Ratio of Operational Amplifiers application note.