ZHCSFP7B November 2016 – February 2019 TAS2557
The TAS2557 has an integrated brownout system to shutdown the device when the battery voltage drops to an insufficient level. This user configurable level can be set under Device Control in the PurePath Console 3 Software TAS2557 Application. When brownout event occurs a status flag INT_BO is set. This register is sticky, and the bit remains high until the bit is read or the device is reset. The brownout event can also be used to generate an interrupt if required. Refer to IRQs and Flags section for more details. Once the battery voltage drops below the defined threshold, the following actions occur.
Once the host is aware of the brownout, it should set PWR_ERR register signal low to put the TAS2557 device in software shutdown and enters low power mode. Once the battery supply is stable above the defined brownout threshold the host can re-enable the device using the power control registers POWER_1 and POWER_2.