ZHCSFP7B November 2016 – February 2019 TAS2557
The following code example provide the correct sequence to mute and power down the device. The PurePath Console 3 Software TAS2557 Application software will create output files with these commands.
Example script (ROM Mode 2):
i i2cstd
################### CHANNEL POWER DOWN ####################################################
w 98 07 01 # Soft stepped mute of audio playback
d 10 # wait for DSP to mute classD after soft step down of audio
# instead of delay alternatively status flag B120_P15_R120_R121_R122_R123 polling can be done and wait till R122_D0 = '1'.
w 98 7f 00 # switch to book0
w 98 07 03 # Mute Analog Blocks
w 98 04 20 # Power down DSP and clock dividers (except Ndivider)
w 98 05 00 # Power down Analog Blocks
w 98 00 00 # NOP
w 98 04 00 # Power down Ndivider
#optional(ending the script in B0_P0)
w 98 00 00 # page 0
w 98 7f 00 # book 0