ZHCSMV1 December 2020 TAS5822M
Example 1, The following is a sample script for configuring a device on I2C slave address 0x58 and set the device switching frequency to 768kHz with Class D loop bandwidth to 175kHz, 1SPW Modulation:
w 58 00 00 #Go to Page0
w 58 7f 00 #Change the Book to 0x00
w 58 00 00 #Go to Page 0x00
w 58 02 01 #Set switching frequency to 768kHz with 1SPW Modulation
w 58 53 60 #Set Class D Loop Bandwidth to 175kHz
Example 2, The following is a sample script for configuring a device on I2C slave address 0x58 and using the DSP host memory to change the digital volume to the default value of 0dB:
w 58 00 00 #Go to Page 0
w 58 7f 8c #Change the Book to 0x8C
w 58 00 2a #Go to Page 0x2a
w 58 24 00 80 00 00 #change digital volume to 0dB