ZHCSK43A August 2019 – November 2019 TCAN4551-Q1
The TCAN4551-Q1 is designed to operate off of the battery Vbat. It has internal regulators to reduce the voltage to acceptable low power levels supporting the CAN FD controller, CAN transceiver and low voltage CAN receiver. In order to support a wide range of microprocessors the SPI and GPO are powered off of the VIO pin which supports levels from 1.8 V to 5.5 V. Bulk capacitance, should be placed on the VSUP and the VIO voltage rails where system requirements are met. It is recommended that a capacitance of a 100 nF is placed near the TCAN4551-Q1 VSUP and the VIO supply terminals. The FLTR terminal requires a minimum of 300 nF capacitance to ground to regulate the internal digital power rail. VCCFLTR needs a minimum capacitance to ground of 10 µF at the terminal.