SLDS157E February 2008 – December 2014 TLC59116
Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.
Following a Start condition, the bus master must output the address of the slave it is accessing.
The I2C bus slave address of the TLC59116 is shown in Figure 10. To conserve power, no internal pullup resistors are incorporated on the hardware-selectable address pins, and they must be pulled high or low. For buffer management purposes, a set of sector information data should be stored.
The last bit of the address byte defines the operation to be performed. When set to logic 1, a read operation is selected. When set to logic 0, a write operation is selected.
See LED All Call I2C Bus Address Register (ALLCALLADR) for more detail.
The default LED All Call I2C bus address (D0h or 1101 000) must not be used as a regular I2C bus slave address, since this address is enabled at power-up. All the TLC59116 devices on the I2C bus will acknowledge the address if it is sent by the I2C bus master.
See I2C Bus Subaddress Registers 1 to 3 (SUBADR1 to SUBADR3) for more detail.
The LED Sub Call I2C bus addresses may be used as regular I2C bus slave addresses if their corresponding enable bits are set to 0 in the MODE1 Register.
The address shown in Figure 11 is used when a reset of the TLC59116 is performed by the master. The software reset address (SWRST Call) must be used with R/W = 0. If R/W = 1, the TLC59116 does not acknowledge the SWRST. See Software Reset for more detail.
The Software Reset I2C bus address is reserved address and cannot be use as regular I2C bus slave address or as an LED All Call or LED Sub Call address.
The I2C bus is for two-way two-line communication between different devices or modules. The two lines are a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Both lines must be connected to a positive supply via a pullup resistor when connected to the output stages of a device. Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.
One data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. The data on the SDA line must remain stable during the high period of the clock pulse as changes in the data line at this time will be interpreted as control signals (see Figure 12).
Both data and clock lines remain high when the bus is not busy. A high-to-low transition of the data line while the clock is high is defined as the Start condition (S). A low-to-high transition of the data line while the clock is high is defined as the Stop condition (P) (see Figure 13).
The number of data bytes transferred between the Start and the Stop conditions from transmitter to receiver is not limited. Each byte of eight bits is followed by one acknowledge bit. The acknowledge bit is a high level put on the bus by the transmitter, whereas the master generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse.
A slave receiver that is addressed must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte. Also a master must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of the slave transmitter. The device that acknowledges has to pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse, so that the SDA line is stable low during the high period of the acknowledge related clock pulse; set-up time and hold time must be taken into account.
A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this event, the transmitter must leave the data line high to enable the master to generate a Stop condition.
A device generating a message is a transmitter; a device receiving is the receiver. The device that controls the message is the master and the devices that are controlled by the master are the slaves (see Figure 20).
In LED display applications, TLC59116 provides nearly no current variations from channel to channel and from device to device. While IOUT ≤ 52 mA, the maximum current skew between channels is less than ±6% and less than ±8% between devices.
Set the LED current to 20mA using the REXT resistor.
TLC59116 scales up the reference current (Iref) set by the external resistor (Rext) to sink the output current (Iout) at each output port. Table 12 shows the Configuration Code and discusses bits CM, HC, and CC[5:0]. The following formulas can be used to calculate the target output current IOUT,target in the saturation region:
Where Rext is the resistance of the external resistor connected to the REXT terminal, and VREXT is the voltage of REXT, which is controlled by the programmable voltage gain (VG), which is defined by the Configuration Code.
The Current Multiplier bit (CM) sets the ratio IOUT,target/Iref to 15 or 5 (sets the exponent "CM – 1" to either 0 or –1). After power-on, the default value of VG is 127/128 = 0.992, and the default value of CM is 1, so that the ratio IOUT,target/Iref = 15. Based on the default VG and CM:
Therefore, the default current is approximately 20mA at 931 ohms.. The default relationship after power-on between IOUT,target and Rext is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the output voltage versus the output current with several different resistor values on REXT. This shows the minimum voltage required at the device to have full VF across the LED. The VLED voltage must be higher than the VF plus the VOL of the driver. If the VLED is too high, more power will be dissipated in the driver. If this is the case, a resistor can be inserted in series with the LED to dissipate the excess power and reduce the thermal conditions on the driver.
If a single driver is used with LEDs that have different VF values, resistors can also be used in series with the LED to remove the excess power from the driver. In cases where not all outputs are being used, the unused outputs can be left floating without issue.