ZHCSQ91 august 2023 TLV1851-Q1 , TLV1861-Q1
The basic comparator compares the input voltage (VIN) on one input to a reference voltage (VREF) on the other input. In the Figure 8-1 example below, if VIN is less than VREF, the output voltage (VO) is logic low (VOL). If VIN is greater than VREF, the output voltage (VO) is at logic high (VOH). Table 8-1 summarizes the output conditions. The output logic can be inverted by simply swapping the input pins.
Inputs Condition | Output |
IN+ > IN- | HIGH (VOH) |
IN+ = IN- | Indeterminate (chatters - see Hysteresis) |
IN+ < IN- | LOW (VOL) |