At T
A = 25°C, V
S = 12 V, VCM = V
S/2 V, R
P = 1MΩ (Open Drain only), C
L = 25 pF, V
OVERDRIVE = 100 mV unless otherwise noted.
Figure 6-1 Offset vs. Temperature
Figure 6-3 Offset vs. Common-Mode, 1.8 V
Figure 6-5 Offset vs. Common-Mode, 12 V
Figure 6-7 Offset vs. Common-Mode, 40 V
Figure 6-9 Bias Current vs. Common-Mode, 1.8 V
Figure 6-11 Bias Current vs. Common-Mode, 40 V
Figure 6-13 Output Voltage vs. Output Sourcing Current, 1.8V
Figure 6-15 Output Voltage vs. Output Sourcing Current, 12V
Figure 6-17 Output Voltage vs. Output Sourcing Current, 40V
Figure 6-19 Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage (Output Low), Push-Pull
Figure 6-21 Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage (Output Low), Open Drain
Figure 6-23 Supply Current vs. Temperature (Output Low), Push-Pull
Figure 6-25 Supply Current vs. Temperature (Output Low), Open Drain
Figure 6-27 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 1.8 V, Open Drain
Figure 6-29 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 12 V, Open Drain
Figure 6-31 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 40 V, Open Drain
Figure 6-33 Propagation Delay, High to Low, 1.8 V
Figure 6-35 Propagation Delay, High to Low, 40 V
Figure 6-2 Hysteresis vs. Temperature
Figure 6-4 Hysteresis vs. Common-Mode, 1.8 V
Figure 6-6 Hysteresis vs. Common-Mode, 12 V
Figure 6-8 Hysteresis vs. Common-Mode, 40 V
Figure 6-10 Bias Current vs. Common-Mode, 12 V
Figure 6-12 Leakage Current vs. Temperature (Open Drain only)
Figure 6-14 Output Voltage vs. Output Sinking Current, 1.8 V
Figure 6-16 Output Voltage vs. Output Sinking Current, 12 V
Figure 6-18 Output Voltage vs. Output Sinking Current, 40 V
Figure 6-20 Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage (Output High), Push-Pull
Figure 6-22 Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage (Output High), Open Drain
Figure 6-24 Supply Current vs. Temperature (Output High), Push-Pull
Figure 6-26 Supply Current vs. Temperature (Output High), Open Drain
Figure 6-28 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 1.8 V, Push-Pull
Figure 6-30 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 12 V, Push-Pull
Figure 6-32 Propagation Delay, Low to High, 40 V, Push-Pull
Figure 6-34 Propagation Delay, High to Low, 12 V