ZHCSPM0B May 2023 – November 2023 TMAG5253
Unlike the Slide-By Displacement SensingDesign RequirementsDetailed Design Procedure configuration, the head-on displacement configuration has a magnetic flux density that is either entirely positive or entirely negative, depending on whether the south or north pole of the magnet is closest to the sensor. As a result, the user can choose the sensors that are sensitive only to south field for this mechanical configuration. In cases where it is not possible to control the polarity of the magnet, the bipolar version (TMAG5253B) is chosen. The mapping of magnetic flux density to distance depends on various factors, such as the material and dimensions of the magnet. Figure 9-9 shows that the magnetic flux density is always positive as the magnet travels towards the sensor. Based on the magnetic field range, TMAG5253BA3 version with ±80 mT full scale range is chosen. Figure 9-9 shows the output voltage of this sensor as the magnet travels from a distance of 10 mm to a distance of 5 mm towards the sensor. The DRV5056 Distance Measurement Tool calculates the expected magnetic flux density to distance mapping in a head-on configuration for different magnet specifications.