ZHCSPM0B May 2023 – November 2023 TMAG5253
The TMAG5253 has a ratiometric analog architecture that scales the quiescent voltage and sensitivity linearly with the power-supply voltage. For example, the quiescent voltage and sensitivity are 5% higher when VCC = 3.465 V compared to VCC = 3.3 V. This ratiometric behavior enables an external ADC to digitize a consistent value regardless of the power-supply voltage tolerance when the ADC uses VCC as its reference.
Use Equation 5 to calculate the sensitivity ratiometry error:
The TMAG5253 has a ratiometric architecture for the quiescent voltage of the bipolar device option. For the bipolar device option, at 0 mT, the quiescent voltage is typically half of the supply voltage, VCC. Use Equation 6 to calculate the quiescent voltage ratiometry error:
VVCC,NOM is the nominal VCC voltage that is 1.8 V or 3.3 V