SPRS377F September 2008 – June 2014 TMS320C6745 , TMS320C6747
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
The C674x core uses a two-level cache-based architecture. The Level 1 Program cache (L1P) is 32 KB direct mapped cache and the Level 1 Data cache (L1D) is 32 KB 2-way set associated cache. The Level 2 memory/cache (L2) consists of a 256 KB memory space that is shared between program and data space. L2 memory can be configured as mapped memory, cache, or a combination of both.
Table 3-2 shows a memory map of the C674x CPU cache registers for the device.
0x0184 0000 | L2CFG | L2 Cache configuration register (See the Technical Reference Manual SPRUH91 for the reset configuration) |
0x0184 0020 | L1PCFG | L1P Size Cache configuration register (See the Technical Reference Manual SPRUH91 for the reset configuration) |
0x0184 0024 | L1PCC | L1P Freeze Mode Cache configuration register |
0x0184 0040 | L1DCFG | L1D Size Cache configuration register (See the Technical Reference Manual SPRUH91 for the reset configuration) |
0x0184 0044 | L1DCC | L1D Freeze Mode Cache configuration register |
0x0184 0048 - 0x0184 0FFC | - | Reserved |
0x0184 1000 | EDMAWEIGHT | L2 EDMA access control register |
0x0184 1004 - 0x0184 1FFC | - | Reserved |
0x0184 2000 | L2ALLOC0 | L2 allocation register 0 |
0x0184 2004 | L2ALLOC1 | L2 allocation register 1 |
0x0184 2008 | L2ALLOC2 | L2 allocation register 2 |
0x0184 200C | L2ALLOC3 | L2 allocation register 3 |
0x0184 2010 - 0x0184 3FFF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 4000 | L2WBAR | L2 writeback base address register |
0x0184 4004 | L2WWC | L2 writeback word count register |
0x0184 4010 | L2WIBAR | L2 writeback invalidate base address register |
0x0184 4014 | L2WIWC | L2 writeback invalidate word count register |
0x0184 4018 | L2IBAR | L2 invalidate base address register |
0x0184 401C | L2IWC | L2 invalidate word count register |
0x0184 4020 | L1PIBAR | L1P invalidate base address register |
0x0184 4024 | L1PIWC | L1P invalidate word count register |
0x0184 4030 | L1DWIBAR | L1D writeback invalidate base address register |
0x0184 4034 | L1DWIWC | L1D writeback invalidate word count register |
0x0184 4038 | - | Reserved |
0x0184 4040 | L1DWBAR | L1D writeback base address register |
0x0184 4044 | L1DWWC | L1D writeback word count register |
0x0184 4048 | L1DIBAR | L1D invalidate base address register |
0x0184 404C | L1DIWC | L1D invalidate word count register |
0x0184 4050 - 0x0184 4FFF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 5000 | L2WB | L2 writeback all register |
0x0184 5004 | L2WBINV | L2 writeback invalidate all register |
0x0184 5008 | L2INV | L2 Global Invalidate without writeback |
0x0184 500C - 0x0184 5027 | - | Reserved |
0x0184 5028 | L1PINV | L1P Global Invalidate |
0x0184 502C - 0x0184 5039 | - | Reserved |
0x0184 5040 | L1DWB | L1D Global Writeback |
0x0184 5044 | L1DWBINV | L1D Global Writeback with Invalidate |
0x0184 5048 | L1DINV | L1D Global Invalidate without writeback |
0x0184 8000 – 0x0184 80FF | MAR0 - MAR63 | Reserved 0x0000 0000 – 0x3FFF FFFF |
0x0184 8100 – 0x0184 817F | MAR64 – MAR95 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFA SDRAM Data (CS0)
0x4000 0000 – 0x5FFF FFFF |
0x0184 8180 – 0x0184 8187 | MAR96 - MAR97 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFA Async Data (CS2)
0x6000 0000 – 0x61FF FFFF |
0x0184 8188 – 0x0184 818F | MAR98 – MAR99 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFA Async Data (CS3)
0x6200 0000 – 0x63FF FFFF |
0x0184 8190 – 0x0184 8197 | MAR100 – MAR101 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFA Async Data (CS4)
0x6400 0000 – 0x65FF FFFF |
0x0184 8198 – 0x0184 819F | MAR102 – MAR103 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFA Async Data (CS5)
0x6600 0000 – 0x67FF FFFF |
0x0184 81A0 – 0x0184 81FF | MAR104 – MAR127 | Reserved 0x6800 0000 – 0x7FFF FFFF |
0x0184 8200 | MAR128 | Memory Attribute Register for Shared RAM 0x8000 0000 – 0x8001 FFFF |
Reserved 0x8002 0000 – 0x81FF FFFF | ||
0x0184 8204 – 0x0184 82FF | MAR129 – MAR191 | Reserved 0x8200 0000 – 0xBFFF FFFF |
0x0184 8300 – 0x0184 837F | MAR192 – MAR223 | Memory Attribute Registers for EMIFB SDRAM Data (CS0)
0xC000 0000 – 0xDFFF FFFF |
0x0184 8380 – 0x0184 83FF | MAR224 – MAR255 | Reserved 0xE000 0000 – 0xFFFF FFFF |
0x0184 A000 | L2MPFAR | L2 memory protection fault address register |
0x0184 A004 | L2MPFSR | L2 memory protection fault status register |
0x0184 A008 | L2MPFCR | L2 memory protection fault command register |
0x0184 A00C - 0x0184 A0FF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 A100 | L2MPLK0 | L2 memory protection lock key bits [31:0] |
0x0184 A104 | L2MPLK1 | L2 memory protection lock key bits [63:32] |
0x0184 A108 | L2MPLK2 | L2 memory protection lock key bits [95:64] |
0x0184 A10C | L2MPLK3 | L2 memory protection lock key bits [127:96] |
0x0184 A110 | L2MPLKCMD | L2 memory protection lock key command register |
0x0184 A114 | L2MPLKSTAT | L2 memory protection lock key status register |
0x0184 A118 - 0x0184 A1FF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 A200 | L2MPPA0 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 0
(controls memory address 0x0080 0000 - 0x0080 1FFF) |
0x0184 A204 | L2MPPA1 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 1
(controls memory address 0x0080 2000 - 0x0080 3FFF) |
0x0184 A208 | L2MPPA2 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 2
(controls memory address 0x0080 4000 - 0x0080 5FFF) |
0x0184 A20C | L2MPPA3 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 3
(controls memory address 0x0080 6000 - 0x0080 7FFF) |
0x0184 A210 | L2MPPA4 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 4
(controls memory address 0x0080 8000 - 0x0080 9FFF) |
0x0184 A214 | L2MPPA5 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 5
(controls memory address 0x0080 A000 - 0x0080 BFFF) |
0x0184 A218 | L2MPPA6 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 6
(controls memory address 0x0080 C000 - 0x0080 DFFF) |
0x0184 A21C | L2MPPA7 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 7
(controls memory address 0x0080 E000 - 0x0080 FFFF) |
0x0184 A220 | L2MPPA8 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 8
(controls memory address 0x0081 0000 - 0x0081 1FFF) |
0x0184 A224 | L2MPPA9 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 9
(controls memory address 0x0081 2000 - 0x0081 3FFF) |
0x0184 A228 | L2MPPA10 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 10
(controls memory address 0x0081 4000 - 0x0081 5FFF) |
0x0184 A22C | L2MPPA11 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 11
(controls memory address 0x0081 6000 - 0x0081 7FFF) |
0x0184 A230 | L2MPPA12 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 12
(controls memory address 0x0081 8000 - 0x0081 9FFF) |
0x0184 A234 | L2MPPA13 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 13
(controls memory address 0x0081 A000 - 0x0081 BFFF) |
0x0184 A238 | L2MPPA14 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 14
(controls memory address 0x0081 C000 - 0x0081 DFFF) |
0x0184 A23C | L2MPPA15 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 15
(controls memory address 0x0081 E000 - 0x0081 FFFF) |
0x0184 A240 | L2MPPA16 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 16
(controls memory address 0x0082 0000 - 0x0082 1FFF) |
0x0184 A244 | L2MPPA17 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 17
(controls memory address 0x0082 2000 - 0x0082 3FFF) |
0x0184 A248 | L2MPPA18 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 18
(controls memory address 0x0082 4000 - 0x0082 5FFF) |
0x0184 A24C | L2MPPA19 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 19
(controls memory address 0x0082 6000 - 0x0082 7FFF) |
0x0184 A250 | L2MPPA20 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 20
(controls memory address 0x0082 8000 - 0x0082 9FFF) |
0x0184 A254 | L2MPPA21 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 21
(controls memory address 0x0082 A000 - 0x0082 BFFF) |
0x0184 A258 | L2MPPA22 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 22
(controls memory address 0x0082 C000 - 0x0082 DFFF) |
0x0184 A25C | L2MPPA23 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 23
(controls memory address 0x0082 E000 - 0x0082 FFFF) |
0x0184 A260 | L2MPPA24 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 24
(controls memory address 0x0083 0000 - 0x0083 1FFF) |
0x0184 A264 | L2MPPA25 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 25
(controls memory address 0x0083 2000 - 0x0083 3FFF) |
0x0184 A268 | L2MPPA26 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 26
(controls memory address 0x0083 4000 - 0x0083 5FFF) |
0x0184 A26C | L2MPPA27 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 27
(controls memory address 0x0083 6000 - 0x0083 7FFF) |
0x0184 A270 | L2MPPA28 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 28
(controls memory address 0x0083 8000 - 0x0083 9FFF) |
0x0184 A274 | L2MPPA29 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 29
(controls memory address 0x0083 A000 - 0x0083 BFFF) |
0x0184 A278 | L2MPPA30 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 30
(controls memory address 0x0083 C000 - 0x0083 DFFF) |
0x0184 A27C | L2MPPA31 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 31
(controls memory address 0x0083 E000 - 0x0083 FFFF) |
0x0184 A280 | L2MPPA32 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 32
(controls memory address 0x0070 0000 - 0x0070 7FFF) |
0x0184 A284 | L2MPPA33 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 33
(controls memory address 0x0070 8000 - 0x0070 FFFF) |
0x0184 A288 | L2MPPA34 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 34
(controls memory address 0x0071 0000 - 0x0071 7FFF) |
0x0184 A28C | L2MPPA35 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 35
(controls memory address 0x0071 8000 - 0x0071 FFFF) |
0x0184 A290 | L2MPPA36 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 36
(controls memory address 0x0072 0000 - 0x0072 7FFF) |
0x0184 A294 | L2MPPA37 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 37
(controls memory address 0x0072 8000 - 0x0072 FFFF) |
0x0184 A298 | L2MPPA38 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 38
(controls memory address 0x0073 0000 - 0x0073 7FFF) |
0x0184 A29C | L2MPPA39 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 39
(controls memory address 0x0073 8000 - 0x0073 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2A0 | L2MPPA40 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 40
(controls memory address 0x0074 0000 - 0x0074 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2A4 | L2MPPA41 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 41
(controls memory address 0x0074 8000 - 0x0074 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2A8 | L2MPPA42 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 42
(controls memory address 0x0075 0000 - 0x0075 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2AC | L2MPPA43 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 43
(controls memory address 0x0075 8000 - 0x0075 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2B0 | L2MPPA44 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 44
(controls memory address 0x0076 0000 - 0x0076 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2B4 | L2MPPA45 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 45
(controls memory address 0x0076 8000 - 0x0076 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2B8 | L2MPPA46 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 46
(controls memory address 0x0077 0000 - 0x0077 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2BC | L2MPPA47 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 47
(controls memory address 0x0077 8000 - 0x0077 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2C0 | L2MPPA48 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 48
(controls memory address 0x0078 0000 - 0x0078 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2C4 | L2MPPA49 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 49
(controls memory address 0x0078 8000 - 0x0078 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2C8 | L2MPPA50 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 50
(controls memory address 0x0079 0000 - 0x0079 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2CC | L2MPPA51 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 51
(controls memory address 0x0079 8000 - 0x0079 FFFF) |
0x0184 A2D0 | L2MPPA52 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 52
(controls memory address 0x007A 0000 - 0x007A 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2D4 | L2MPPA53 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 53
(controls memory address 0x007A 8000 - 0x007A FFFF) |
0x0184 A2D8 | L2MPPA54 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 54
(controls memory address 0x007B 0000 - 0x007B 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2DC | L2MPPA55 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 55
(controls memory address 0x007B 8000 - 0x007B FFFF) |
0x0184 A2E0 | L2MPPA56 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 56
(controls memory address 0x007C 0000 - 0x007C 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2E4 | L2MPPA57 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 57
(controls memory address 0x007C 8000 - 0x007C FFFF) |
0x0184 A2E8 | L2MPPA58 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 58
(controls memory address 0x007D 0000 - 0x007D 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2EC | L2MPPA59 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 59
(controls memory address 0x007D 8000 - 0x007D FFFF) |
0x0184 A2F0 | L2MPPA60 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 60
(controls memory address 0x007E 0000 - 0x007E 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2F4 | L2MPPA61 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 61
(controls memory address 0x007E 8000 - 0x007E FFFF) |
0x0184 A2F8 | L2MPPA62 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 62
(controls memory address 0x007F 0000 - 0x007F 7FFF) |
0x0184 A2FC | L2MPPA63 | L2 memory protection page attribute register 63
(controls memory address 0x007F 8000 - 0x007F FFFF) |
0x0184 A300 - 0x0184 A3FF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 A400 | L1PMPFAR | L1P memory protection fault address register |
0x0184 A404 | L1PMPFSR | L1P memory protection fault status register |
0x0184 A408 | L1PMPFCR | L1P memory protection fault command register |
0x0184 A40C - 0x0184 A4FF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 A500 | L1PMPLK0 | L1P memory protection lock key bits [31:0] |
0x0184 A504 | L1PMPLK1 | L1P memory protection lock key bits [63:32] |
0x0184 A508 | L1PMPLK2 | L1P memory protection lock key bits [95:64] |
0x0184 A50C | L1PMPLK3 | L1P memory protection lock key bits [127:96] |
0x0184 A510 | L1PMPLKCMD | L1P memory protection lock key command register |
0x0184 A514 | L1PMPLKSTAT | L1P memory protection lock key status register |
0x0184 A518 - 0x0184 A5FF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 A600 - 0x0184 A63F | - | Reserved (1) |
0x0184 A640 | L1PMPPA16 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 16
(controls memory address 0x00E0 0000 - 0x00E0 07FF) |
0x0184 A644 | L1PMPPA17 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 17
(controls memory address 0x00E0 0800 - 0x00E0 0FFF) |
0x0184 A648 | L1PMPPA18 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 18
(controls memory address 0x00E0 1000 - 0x00E0 17FF) |
0x0184 A64C | L1PMPPA19 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 19
(controls memory address 0x00E0 1800 - 0x00E0 1FFF) |
0x0184 A650 | L1PMPPA20 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 20
(controls memory address 0x00E0 2000 - 0x00E0 27FF) |
0x0184 A654 | L1PMPPA21 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 21
(controls memory address 0x00E0 2800 - 0x00E0 2FFF) |
0x0184 A658 | L1PMPPA22 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 22
(controls memory address 0x00E0 3000 - 0x00E0 37FF) |
0x0184 A65C | L1PMPPA23 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 23
(controls memory address 0x00E0 3800 - 0x00E0 3FFF) |
0x0184 A660 | L1PMPPA24 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 24
(controls memory address 0x00E0 4000 - 0x00E0 47FF) |
0x0184 A664 | L1PMPPA25 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 25
(controls memory address 0x00E0 4800 - 0x00E0 4FFF) |
0x0184 A668 | L1PMPPA26 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 26
(controls memory address 0x00E0 5000 - 0x00E0 57FF) |
0x0184 A66C | L1PMPPA27 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 27
(controls memory address 0x00E0 5800 - 0x00E0 5FFF) |
0x0184 A670 | L1PMPPA28 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 28
(controls memory address 0x00E0 6000 - 0x00E0 67FF) |
0x0184 A674 | L1PMPPA29 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 29
(controls memory address 0x00E0 6800 - 0x00E0 6FFF) |
0x0184 A678 | L1PMPPA30 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 30
(controls memory address 0x00E0 7000 - 0x00E0 77FF) |
0x0184 A67C | L1PMPPA31 | L1P memory protection page attribute register 31
(controls memory address 0x00E0 7800 - 0x00E0 7FFF) |
0x0184 A67F – 0x0184 ABFF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 AC00 | L1DMPFAR | L1D memory protection fault address register |
0x0184 AC04 | L1DMPFSR | L1D memory protection fault status register |
0x0184 AC08 | L1DMPFCR | L1D memory protection fault command register |
0x0184 AC0C - 0x0184 ACFF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 AD00 | L1DMPLK0 | L1D memory protection lock key bits [31:0] |
0x0184 AD04 | L1DMPLK1 | L1D memory protection lock key bits [63:32] |
0x0184 AD08 | L1DMPLK2 | L1D memory protection lock key bits [95:64] |
0x0184 AD0C | L1DMPLK3 | L1D memory protection lock key bits [127:96] |
0x0184 AD10 | L1DMPLKCMD | L1D memory protection lock key command register |
0x0184 AD14 | L1DMPLKSTAT | L1D memory protection lock key status register |
0x0184 AD18 - 0x0184 ADFF | - | Reserved |
0x0184 AE00 - 0x0184 AE3F | - | Reserved (2) |
0x0184 AE40 | L1DMPPA16 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 16
(controls memory address 0x00F0 0000 - 0x00F0 07FF) |
0x0184 AE44 | L1DMPPA17 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 17
(controls memory address 0x00F0 0800 - 0x00F0 0FFF) |
0x0184 AE48 | L1DMPPA18 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 18
(controls memory address 0x00F0 1000 - 0x00F0 17FF) |
0x0184 AE4C | L1DMPPA19 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 19
(controls memory address 0x00F0 1800 - 0x00F0 1FFF) |
0x0184 AE50 | L1DMPPA20 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 20
(controls memory address 0x00F0 2000 - 0x00F0 27FF) |
0x0184 AE54 | L1DMPPA21 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 21
(controls memory address 0x00F0 2800 - 0x00F0 2FFF) |
0x0184 AE58 | L1DMPPA22 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 22
(controls memory address 0x00F0 3000 - 0x00F0 37FF) |
0x0184 AE5C | L1DMPPA23 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 23
(controls memory address 0x00F0 3800 - 0x00F0 3FFF) |
0x0184 AE60 | L1DMPPA24 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 24
(controls memory address 0x00F0 4000 - 0x00F0 47FF) |
0x0184 AE64 | L1DMPPA25 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 25
(controls memory address 0x00F0 4800 - 0x00F0 4FFF) |
0x0184 AE68 | L1DMPPA26 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 26
(controls memory address 0x00F0 5000 - 0x00F0 57FF) |
0x0184 AE6C | L1DMPPA27 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 27
(controls memory address 0x00F0 5800 - 0x00F0 5FFF) |
0x0184 AE70 | L1DMPPA28 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 28
(controls memory address 0x00F0 6000 - 0x00F0 67FF) |
0x0184 AE74 | L1DMPPA29 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 29
(controls memory address 0x00F0 6800 - 0x00F0 6FFF) |
0x0184 AE78 | L1DMPPA30 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 30
(controls memory address 0x00F0 7000 - 0x00F0 77FF) |
0x0184 AE7C | L1DMPPA31 | L1D memory protection page attribute register 31
(controls memory address 0x00F0 7800 - 0x00F0 7FFF) |
0x0184 AE80 – 0x0185 FFFF | - | Reserved |
See Table 3-4 for a detailed top level C6745/6747 memory map that includes the DSP memory space.