ZHCSIE4A June 2018 – July 2018 TMS320F28035-EP
The C28x control law accelerator is a single-precision (32-bit) floating-point unit that extends the capabilities of the C28x CPU by adding parallel processing. The CLA is an independent processor with its own bus structure, fetch mechanism, and pipeline. Eight individual CLA tasks, or routines, can be specified. Each task is started by software or a peripheral such as the ADC, an ePWM, or CPU Timer 0. The CLA executes one task at a time to completion. When a task completes the main CPU is notified by an interrupt to the PIE and the CLA automatically begins the next highest-priority pending task. The CLA can directly access the ADC Result registers and the ePWM+HRPWM registers. Dedicated message RAMs provide a method to pass additional data between the main CPU and the CLA.