The FlexRay module has the following features:
- Conformance with FlexRay protocol specification v2.1
- Data rates of up to 10 Mbps on each channel
- Up to 128 message buffers
- 8KB of message RAM for storage of for example, 128 message buffers with max. 48 byte data section or up to 30 message buffers with 254 byte data section
- Configuration of message buffers with different payload lengths
- One configurable receive FIFO
- Each message buffer can be configured as receive buffer, as transmit buffer or as part of the receive FIFO
- CPU access to message buffers through input and output buffer
- FlexRay Transfer Unit (FTU) for automatic data transfer between data memory and message buffers without CPU interaction
- Filtering for slot counter, cycle counter, and channel ID
- Maskable module interrupts
- Supports Network Management
- ECC protection on the message RAM