ZHCSA84C October   2012  – May 2018 TMS570LS0332 , TMS570LS0432


  1. 1器件概述
    1. 1.1 特性
    2. 1.2 应用
    3. 1.3 说明
    4. 1.4 功能框图
  2. 2修订历史记录
  3. 3Device Comparison
  4. 4Terminal Configuration and Functions
    1. 4.1 PZ QFP Package Pinout (100-Pin)
    2. 4.2 Terminal Functions
      1. 4.2.1  High-End Timer (N2HET)
      2. 4.2.2  Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse Modules (eQEP)
      3. 4.2.3  General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
      4. 4.2.4  Controller Area Network Interface Modules (DCAN1, DCAN2)
      5. 4.2.5  Multibuffered Serial Peripheral Interface (MibSPI1)
      6. 4.2.6  Standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI2)
      7. 4.2.7  Local Interconnect Network Controller (LIN)
      8. 4.2.8  Multibuffered Analog-to-Digital Converter (MibADC)
      9. 4.2.9  System Module
      10. 4.2.10 Error Signaling Module (ESM)
      11. 4.2.11 Main Oscillator
      12. 4.2.12 Test/Debug Interface
      13. 4.2.13 Flash
      14. 4.2.14 Core Supply
      15. 4.2.15 I/O Supply
      16. 4.2.16 Core and I/O Supply Ground Reference
    3. 4.3 Output Multiplexing and Control
      1. 4.3.1 Notes on Output Multiplexing
      2. 4.3.2 General Rules for Multiplexing Control Registers
    4. 4.4 Special Multiplexed Options
      1. 4.4.1 Filtering for eQEP Inputs
        1. eQEPA Input
        2. eQEPB Input
        3. eQEPI Input
        4. eQEPS Input
      2. 4.4.2 N2HET PIN_nDISABLE Input Port
  5. 5Specifications
    1. 5.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 5.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 5.3  Power-On Hours (POH)
    4. 5.4  Recommended Operating Conditions
    5. 5.5  Switching Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions for Clock Domains
    6. 5.6  Wait States Required
    7. 5.7  Power Consumption
    8. 5.8  Thermal Resistance Characteristics for PZ
    9. 5.9  Input/Output Electrical Characteristics
    10. 5.10 Output Buffer Drive Strengths
    11. 5.11 Input Timings
    12. 5.12 Output Timings
  6. 6System Information and Electrical Specifications
    1. 6.1  Voltage Monitor Characteristics
      1. 6.1.1 Important Considerations
      2. 6.1.2 Voltage Monitor Operation
      3. 6.1.3 Supply Filtering
    2. 6.2  Power Sequencing and Power-On Reset
      1. 6.2.1 Power-Up Sequence
      2. 6.2.2 Power-Down Sequence
      3. 6.2.3 Power-On Reset: nPORRST
        1. nPORRST Electrical and Timing Requirements
    3. 6.3  Warm Reset (nRST)
      1. 6.3.1 Causes of Warm Reset
      2. 6.3.2 nRST Timing Requirements
    4. 6.4  ARM Cortex-R4 CPU Information
      1. 6.4.1 Summary of ARM Cortex-R4 CPU Features
      2. 6.4.2 ARM Cortex-R4 CPU Features Enabled by Software
      3. 6.4.3 Dual Core Implementation
      4. 6.4.4 Duplicate clock tree after GCLK
      5. 6.4.5 ARM Cortex-R4 CPU Compare Module (CCM) for Safety
      6. 6.4.6 CPU Self-Test
        1. Application Sequence for CPU Self-Test
        2. CPU Self-Test Clock Configuration
        3. CPU Self-Test Coverage
    5. 6.5  Clocks
      1. 6.5.1 Clock Sources
        1. Main Oscillator
          1. Timing Requirements for Main Oscillator
        2. Low-Power Oscillator
          1. Features
          2. LPO Electrical and Timing Specifications
        3. Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Modules
          1. Block Diagram
          2. PLL Timing Specifications
      2. 6.5.2 Clock Domains
        1. Clock Domain Descriptions
        2. Mapping of Clock Domains to Device Modules
      3. 6.5.3 Clock Test Mode
    6. 6.6  Clock Monitoring
      1. 6.6.1 Clock Monitor Timings
      2. 6.6.2 External Clock (ECLK) Output Functionality
      3. 6.6.3 Dual Clock Comparator
        1. Features
        2. Mapping of DCC Clock Source Inputs
    7. 6.7  Glitch Filters
    8. 6.8  Device Memory Map
      1. 6.8.1 Memory Map Diagram
      2. 6.8.2 Memory Map Table
      3. 6.8.3 Master/Slave Access Privileges
    9. 6.9  Flash Memory
      1. 6.9.1 Flash Memory Configuration
      2. 6.9.2 Main Features of Flash Module
      3. 6.9.3 ECC Protection for Flash Accesses
      4. 6.9.4 Flash Access Speeds
    10. 6.10 Flash Program and Erase Timings for Program Flash
    11. 6.11 Flash Program and Erase Timings for Data Flash
    12. 6.12 Tightly Coupled RAM Interface Module
      1. 6.12.1 Features
      2. 6.12.2 TCRAMW ECC Support
    13. 6.13 Parity Protection for Accesses to peripheral RAMs
    14. 6.14 On-Chip SRAM Initialization and Testing
      1. 6.14.1 On-Chip SRAM Self-Test Using PBIST
        1. Features
        2. PBIST RAM Groups
      2. 6.14.2 On-Chip SRAM Auto Initialization
    15. 6.15 Vectored Interrupt Manager
      1. 6.15.1 VIM Features
      2. 6.15.2 Interrupt Request Assignments
    16. 6.16 Real-Time Interrupt Module
      1. 6.16.1 Features
      2. 6.16.2 Block Diagrams
      3. 6.16.3 Clock Source Options
    17. 6.17 Error Signaling Module
      1. 6.17.1 Features
      2. 6.17.2 ESM Channel Assignments
    18. 6.18 Reset / Abort / Error Sources
    19. 6.19 Digital Windowed Watchdog
    20. 6.20 Debug Subsystem
      1. 6.20.1 Block Diagram
      2. 6.20.2 Debug Components Memory Map
      3. 6.20.3 JTAG Identification Code
      4. 6.20.4 Debug ROM
      5. 6.20.5 JTAG Scan Interface Timings
      6. 6.20.6 Advanced JTAG Security Module
      7. 6.20.7 Boundary Scan Chain
  7. 7Peripheral Information and Electrical Specifications
    1. 7.1 Peripheral Legend
    2. 7.2 Multibuffered 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter
      1. 7.2.1 Features
      2. 7.2.2 Event Trigger Options
        1. MIBADC Event Trigger Hookup
      3. 7.2.3 ADC Electrical and Timing Specifications
      4. 7.2.4 Performance (Accuracy) Specifications
        1. MibADC Nonlinearity Errors
        2. MibADC Total Error
    3. 7.3 General-Purpose Input/Output
      1. 7.3.1 Features
    4. 7.4 Enhanced High-End Timer (N2HET)
      1. 7.4.1 Features
      2. 7.4.2 N2HET RAM Organization
      3. 7.4.3 Input Timing Specifications
      4. 7.4.4 N2HET Checking
        1. Output Monitoring using Dual Clock Comparator (DCC)
      5. 7.4.5 Disabling N2HET Outputs
      6. 7.4.6 High-End Timer Transfer Unit (N2HET)
        1. Features
        2. Trigger Connections
    5. 7.5 Controller Area Network (DCAN)
      1. 7.5.1 Features
      2. 7.5.2 Electrical and Timing Specifications
    6. 7.6 Local Interconnect Network Interface (LIN)
      1. 7.6.1 LIN Features
    7. 7.7 Multibuffered / Standard Serial Peripheral Interface
      1. 7.7.1 Features
      2. 7.7.2 MibSPI Transmit and Receive RAM Organization
      3. 7.7.3 MibSPI Transmit Trigger Events
        1. MIBSPI1 Event Trigger Hookup
      4. 7.7.4 MibSPI/SPI Master Mode I/O Timing Specifications
      5. 7.7.5 SPI Slave Mode I/O Timings
    8. 7.8 Enhanced Quadrature Encoder (eQEP)
      1. 7.8.1 Clock Enable Control for eQEPx Modules
      2. 7.8.2 Using eQEPx Phase Error
      3. 7.8.3 Input Connections to eQEPx Modules
      4. 7.8.4 Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEPx) Timing
  8. 8器件和文档支持
    1. 8.1  器件支持
      1. 8.1.1 开发支持
        1. 开始使用
      2. 8.1.2 器件命名规则
    2. 8.2  文档支持
      1. 8.2.1 米6体育平台手机版_好二三四 (TI) 相关文档
    3. 8.3  相关链接
    4. 8.4  Community Resources
    5. 8.5  商标
    6. 8.6  静电放电警告
    7. 8.7  术语表
    8. 8.8  器件识别码寄存器
      1. Table 8-2 器件 ID 位分配寄存器字段说明
    9. 8.9  芯片识别寄存器
    10. 8.10 模块认证
      1. 8.10.1 DCAN 认证
      2. 8.10.2 LIN 认证
        1. LIN 主控模式
        2. LIN 受控模式 - 固定波特率
        3. LIN 受控模式 - 自适应波特率
  9. 9机械、封装和可订购米6体育平台手机版_好二三四附录
    1. 9.1 封装信息


机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)
散热焊盘机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)

Memory Map Table

See Figure 1-1 for a block diagram showing the device interconnects.

Table 6-17 Device Memory Map

Memories tightly coupled to the ARM Cortex-R4 CPU
TCM Flash CS0 0x0000_0000 0x00FF_FFFF 16MB 384KB(1) Abort
TCM RAM + RAM ECC CSRAM0 0x0800_0000 0x0BFF_3FFF 64MB 32KB
Mirrored Flash Flash mirror frame 0x2000_0000 0x20FF_FFFF 16MB 384KB(1)
Flash Module Bus2 Interface
Customer OTP, TCM Flash Banks 0xF000_0000 0xF000_07FF 64KB 2KB Abort
Customer OTP, EEPROM Bank 0xF000_E000 0xF000_E3FF 1KB
Customer OTP–ECC, TCM Flash Banks 0xF004_0000 0xF004_00FF 8KB 256B
Customer OTP–ECC, EEPROM Bank 0xF004_1C00 0xF004_1C7F 128B
TI OTP, TCM Flash Banks 0xF008_0000 0xF008_07FF 64KB 2KB
TI OTP, EEPROM Bank 0xF008_E000 0xF008_E3FF 1KB
TI OTP–ECC, TCM Flash Banks 0xF00C_0000 0xF00C_00FF 8KB 256B
TI OTP–ECC, EEPROM Bank 0xF00C_1C00 0xF00C_1C7F 128B
EEPROM Bank–ECC 0xF010_0000 0xF010_07FF 256KB 2KB
EEPROM Bank 0xF020_0000 0xF020_3FFF 2MB 16KB
Flash Data Space ECC 0xF040_0000 0xF040_DFFF 1MB 48KB
Cyclic Redundancy Checker (CRC) Module Registers
CRC CRC frame 0xFE00_0000 0xFEFF_FFFF 16MB 512B Accesses above 0x200 generate abort.
Peripheral Memories
MIBSPI1 RAM PCS[7] 0xFF0E_0000 0xFF0F_FFFF 128KB 2KB Abort for accesses above 2KB
DCAN2 RAM PCS[14] 0xFF1C_0000 0xFF1D_FFFF 128KB 2KB Wrap around for accesses to unimplemented address offsets lower than 0x7FF. Abort generated for accesses beyond offset 0x800.
DCAN1 RAM PCS[15] 0xFF1E_0000 0xFF1F_FFFF 128KB 2KB Wrap around for accesses to unimplemented address offsets lower than 0x7FF. Abort generated for accesses beyond offset 0x800.
MIBADC RAM PCS[31] 0xFF3E_0000 0xFF3F_FFFF 128KB 8KB Wrap around for accesses to unimplemented address offsets lower than 0x1FFF.
MIBADC Look-Up Table 384 bytes Look-up table for ADC wrapper. Starts at offset 0x2000 ans ends at 0x217F. Wrap around for accesses between offsets 0x180 and 0x3FFF. Aborts generated for accesses beyond 0x4000
N2HET RAM PCS[35] 0xFF46_0000 0xFF47_FFFF 128KB 16KB Wrap around for accesses to unimplemented address offsets lower than 0x3FFF. Abort generated for accesses beyond 0x3FFF.
HTU RAM PCS[39] 0xFF4E_0000 0xFF4F_FFFF 128KB 1KB Abort
Debug Components
CoreSight Debug ROM CSCS0 0xFFA0_0000 0xFFA0_0FFF 4KB 4KB Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
Cortex-R4 Debug CSCS1 0xFFA0_1000 0xFFA0_1FFF 4KB 4KB Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
Peripheral Control Registers
HTU PS[22] 0xFFF7_A400 0xFFF7_A4FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
N2HET PS[17] 0xFFF7_B800 0xFFF7_B8FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
GIO PS[16] 0xFFF7_BC00 0xFFF7_BCFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
MIBADC PS[15] 0xFFF7_C000 0xFFF7_C1FF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
DCAN1 PS[8] 0xFFF7_DC00 0xFFF7_DDFF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
DCAN2 PS[8] 0xFFF7_DE00 0xFFF7_DFFF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
LIN PS[6] 0xFFF7_E400 0xFFF7_E4FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
MibSPI1 PS[2] 0xFFF7_F400 0xFFF7_F5FF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
SPI2 PS[2] 0xFFF7_F600 0xFFF7_F7FF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
SPI3 PS[1] 0xFFF7_F800 0xFFF7_F9FF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
EQEP PS[25] 0xFFF7_9900 0xFFF7_99FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
EQEP (Mirrored) PS2[25] 0xFCF7_9900 0xFCF7_99FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
System Modules Control Registers and Memories
VIM RAM PPCS2 0xFFF8_2000 0xFFF8_2FFF 4KB 1KB Wrap around for accesses to unimplemented address offsets lower than 0x3FF. Accesses beyond 0x3FF will be ignored.
Flash Wrapper PPCS7 0xFFF8_7000 0xFFF8_7FFF 4KB 4KB Abort
eFuse Farm Controller PPCS12 0xFFF8_C000 0xFFF8_CFFF 4KB 4KB Abort
PCR registers PPS0 0xFFFF_E000 0xFFFF_E0FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
System Module - Frame 2 (see device TRM) PPS0 0xFFFF_E100 0xFFFF_E1FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
PBIST PPS1 0xFFFF_E400 0xFFFF_E5FF 512B 512B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
STC PPS1 0xFFFF_E600 0xFFFF_E6FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
IOMM Multiplexing control module PPS2 0xFFFF_EA00 0xFFFF_EBFF 512B 512B Generates address error interrupt if enabled.
DCC PPS3 0xFFFF_EC00 0xFFFF_ECFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
ESM PPS5 0xFFFF_F500 0xFFFF_F5FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
CCMR4 PPS5 0xFFFF_F600 0xFFFF_F6FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
RAM ECC even PPS6 0xFFFF_F800 0xFFFF_F8FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
RAM ECC odd PPS6 0xFFFF_F900 0xFFFF_F9FF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
RTI + DWWD PPS7 0xFFFF_FC00 0xFFFF_FCFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
VIM Parity PPS7 0xFFFF_FD00 0xFFFF_FDFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
VIM PPS7 0xFFFF_FE00 0xFFFF_FEFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
System Module - Frame 1 (see device TRM) PPS7 0xFFFF_FF00 0xFFFF_FFFF 256B 256B Reads return zeros, writes have no effect
The TMS570LS0332 device has only 256KB of flash.