ZHCSP87A December 2022 – September 2023 TPS25772-Q1
The TPS25772-Q1 has a fixed VIN(UVLO) with rising and falling thresholds between 5 and 5.5 V, refer to Section 7.6 for exact values. The falling threshold, VIN(UVLO_F), disables the device when the battery voltage is too low for continued operation. To establish a turn on voltage higher than VIN(UVLO_R), connect a resistor divider from the IN supply voltage to the EN/UVLO pin. When VEN/UVLO > VEN(OPER), nominally 1.25 V, the device exits low power shutdown and begins to startup.
In this example a VIN turn on voltage of approximately 6.5 V is required. Use the equations and examples below to determine the required resistor values.