4 修订历史记录
Changes from A Revision (February 2018) to B Revision
- 向特性部分中添加了 QFN 封装Go
- 向设备信息 表中添加了 QFN (16) 封装,以及 4.00mm × 3.5mm 的封装尺寸Go
- 更新了 典型应用原理图Go
- Added RRK Package to the Pin Out Drawing and Pin Functions tableGo
- Updated the SpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings table Go
- Changed the Operation junction temperature range MAX from 150°C to 125°C in the SpecificationsRecommended Operating Conditions table Go
- Added RRK package to the Specifications Thermal Information tableGo
- Updated the Operating Current section in the SpecificationsElectrical Characteristics tableGo
Changes from * Revision (October 2017) to A Revision
- Added footnote 2 and 3 to the Electrical Characteristics tableGo
- Added reverse current protection information to the Reverse Current Protection sectionGo