ZHCSAK8J December 2003 – June 2022 TPS40054 , TPS40055 , TPS40057
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The ramp generator circuit provides the actual ramp used by the PWM comparator. The ramp generator provides voltage feedforward control by varying the PWM ramp slope with line voltage, while maintaining a constant ramp magnitude. Varying the PWM ramp directly with line voltage provides excellent response to line variations because the PWM does not have to wait for loop delays before changing the duty cycle (see Figure 7-1).
The PWM ramp must be faster than the controller clock frequency or the PWM is prevented from starting. The PWM ramp time is programmed through a single resistor (RKFF) pulled up to VIN. RKFF is related to RT, and the minimum input voltage, VIN(min), through the following:
The curve showing the RKFF required for a given switching frequency, fSW, and VUVLO is shown in Figure 6-2.
For low-input voltage and high duty-cycle applications, the voltage feedforward can limit the duty cycle prematurely, but does not occur for most applications. The voltage control loop controls the duty cycle and regulates the output voltage. For more information on large duty cycle operation, refer to the Effect of Programmable UVLO on Maximum Duty Cycle application note.